1. The sun is out on this beautiful Friday morning and with a list of rather nice things to be getting on with; I still find myself sitting at the kitchen table avoiding them.
    The list being collect fishing money - AKA walk round the lake; go to town for ingredients for birthday cake; make said birthday cake; make bed up for homecoming son and daughter; have a glass of wine.   I know what you're thinking; wine is not needed and is possibly a bad thing.  Well no, the last thing is very important as it is a form of relaxation and I have had a busy week what with no electricity one morning, no heating the next and a devil of a session at work yesterday.  (Still aching now).
    Still, there is nothing like an itinerary with loose deadlines to keep me stationary.  One more cup of coffee and I'm gone!  :)
    Being on a roll with the landscape painting (see previous post with 'Lightning Tree') - I have been going at it while it lasts.
    The second of the 'How the Land Lies' is an abstract taken from our canal-side walk at New Year.
    My son and I took the tow path toward Winsley from Avoncliff on a blissfully sunny day (although I seem to remember getting grumpy at others also wanting to enjoy the area).
    With the intention of creating an abstraction of the land, each scene has an emotional narrative woven into it.  This one has the dual aspect of land and water with the boundaries pleasingly split in two; just like we two walkers.  The path leading past the field trees and the ensuing shadows are also coupled and held in place by the twist of the bridge and horizon.
    I did feel truly embraced by the land that day.
    The initial sketch.
    On to the next one.  Here's a sneak preview.
    Keeping the colours cool this time.
    Whatever you are up to on this blue-skied weekend, I hope you have a good one.

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